Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My eyes 3 G is the first technology and only one in Indonesia that could see the condition of house, office, car from your HP 3G in manner live, without computer, DVR, MODEM, cable and internet.
Our reason for making My eyes 3 G because the number complaint from user's community CCTV and CCTV imported like:
A demanding of consumer who would not want to alight their computers continually, worry for fire house or cost of electricity high.
A demanding of consumer who didn't want to see many cable on around their wall because in the way of aesthetics less nice to be saw
.A demanding of consumer who less satisfied if making CCTV, because of the result of picture always discontinuous or breakA demanding of consumer who the objection with cost of internet enough expensive if monitoring with internet.
Over many equipments that to be used like PC, DVR, cable, modem and registration of internet occupy time.
- Difficulty get the connection new lines from Telkom.
- If want move equipment CCTV must call the technician
- Costumers only can see picture in CCTV, but didn't listen voice around the location of camera.
- A demanding of CCTV consumer who didn't want appear form of the camera


4.fire house

is technology sophisticated that have been designed for security your house, office and factory
from danger of thief, from you firehouse and knew all information what happened in your factory real time HP. Also can active/off electronic which was in your house and office only from HP. as such TV, DVD, COMPUTER, water springkling automatically